ソウル半導体: #1 in Patent Power



Seoul Semiconductor and Seoul Viosys (hereafter referred to as Seoul) are Korea’s #1 optical semiconductor (導かれた) companies and are among the world’s #1 patent-powered companies.

Seoul is ranked first in the world in the ultraviolet (UV) LED field, developing and mass-producing these LEDs. It is ranked third in the visible-light LED category for the past two years. Its visible-light LEDs are widely used in lighting, ディスプレイ, and automobiles. Seoul is on the path to being ranked #1.

Seoul says it is the only company in the world to offer the entire wavelength range from visible light to ultraviolet and infrared, in light-emitting diodes as well as laser diodes (VCSEL). 加えて, Seoul is 100% vertically integrated with production capacity for all of these technologies: from wafers and chips to packages and modules.

Seoul is investing nearly $100 million in R&D every year and pouring out innovative LED technologies at a staggering rate. Its collection of patents is unrivaled in the LED industry.



Laidishine でカナダの肉の展示を明るくする

Laidishine は、当社の LED 照明ソリューションがカナダ市場全体の食肉ショーケースに影響を与えているのを見て興奮しています。. 冷蔵ショーケース専用に設計, 私たちの

Lightning ソリューションの最新の市場価格と優位性を知りたい?


Factory News-BG02


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