Smart Cold Storage In Tianjin

Cold Room And Coldroom Lighting-News Cover


The China Master Logistics Co., 株式会社, which is a comprehensive logistics company in China, released that the company’s first smart unmanned cold storage was completed in Tianjin and put into trial operation. The design temperature of the cold storage area is -18°C to -25°C. The port cold chain business will become a new business segment in addition to freight forwarding, warehousing, and shipping agency. It is reported that the company’s port cold chain project plans to invest a total of 800 million yuan. In addition to the Tianjin project, the Qingdao, Shanghai, and Ningbo projects are under accelerated construction.

We offer cold room LED lighting which fits the operate temperature -25°C to 10°C.

With the increase in demand for cold storage, we believe that our cold storage lights will also be more needed.




昨日, すべての技術チームと生産パートナーのためにLEDライト溶接トレーニングを実施しました, すべてのスタッフのスキルを向上させ、確実にすることを目指しています

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