のLED照明市場 2022

New LED Lighting-News Cover


TrendForce further states, despite the continuing impact of the pandemic in 2022, the pervasiveness of vaccines and the recovery of economic activities coupled with the rigid demand associated with the lighting market as a daily necessity, globalcarbon neutrality,” and the growing requirements of the energy conservation agenda, have moved numerous major powers to realize net-zero emissions through measures such as energy efficiency and low-carbon heating in recent years. しかし, lighting is a leading energy consumer in buildings, accounting for 20% に 30% of total building energy consumption. LED penetration will deepen, driven by the high demand for energy conservation and policies and regulations requiring the upgrade of aging equipment. 加えて, smart lighting can also achieve the purpose of timely energy conservation. したがって, there is strong demand for the introduction of LED lighting and smart lighting upgrades in commercial lighting, residential lighting, outdoor lighting, and industrial lighting, which further drives demand for high-standard LED products including high light efficiency, high color rendering and color saturation, low blue light HCL and smart lighting devices.

LED lighting is an eco-friendly and energy-saving lighting source. The LED light tubes we produce can help supermarket, 小売店, convenience store, snack shop etc. save the energy cost and electricity cost, further on can increase the sale performance.




昨日, すべての技術チームと生産パートナーのためにLEDライト溶接トレーニングを実施しました, すべてのスタッフのスキルを向上させ、確実にすることを目指しています

Lightning ソリューションの最新の市場価格と優位性を知りたい?


Factory News-BG02


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