What’s Refrigerator /freezer Case Lighting And Its Role



Refrigerating and freezing cases are indispensable when selling food at convenience stores, スーパーマーケット, restaurants, 等. The lighting installed in it. もちろん, it does not just illuminate the inside of the refrigerator / freezer case. Lighting has many roles and ingenuity to motivate customers to buy and to make food look more delicious.

The temperature inside the refrigerated / freezing case is 10°C to -10°C for refrigeration and -30°C for freezing. The lighting for refrigerating / freezing cases plays the role of directing lighting to make the products look neat and to further increase customerspurchasing motivation. 例えば, faithfully reproducing the color of a product, making the product lively and fresh.

Another thing is that if you don’t shine an appropriate light, the appearance will be unexpectedly biased depending on the type and thickness of the product. 例えば, in the case of meat, there are differences depending on the part of the cut surface and the passage of time. In order to suppress such a bias in appearance, we illuminate with a strong reddish tinge.




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