Zephyr Introduces Presrv™ Full Size Dual Zone Wine & Beverage Cooler



Zephyr, the company that has led the industry in smart design and clean air for the past 25 年, introduces the Presrv™ Full Size Dual Zone Wine & Beverage Cooler. The new Presrv cooler is the perfect combination of wine preservation and beverage storage. Ideal for families or people who love to entertain, the cooler frees up space in the main refrigerator and keeps the focus on chilling beverages of multiple shapes and sizes.

The Presrv Full Size Wine & Beverage Cooler can be built-in or freestanding and features two distinct temperature zones. PreciseTemp™ temperature control and Active Cooling Technology ensure both the top and bottom zones are at the perfect temperature range (38° – 65° F), and a Vibration Dampening System keeps wine bottles still to preserve flavor and development over time. The unit holds up to 59 750ml wine bottles, 112 12oz bottles, そして 49 12oz cans. Full-Extension Wood Racks, Slide-Out Gray Shelves, and a Full-Extension Stainless Steel Rollout Bin offer easy access to everyone’s favorite beverages.

We’re very excited about our first full size wine and beverage cooler,” says Luke Siow, Zephyr President. “This gives consumers a more efficient use of space and the ability to store both wine and cold beverages in the same footprint.

The cooler features a dual-pane, low-emission argon-filled glass door that helps minimize the amount of UV and infrared light that passes through and increases soundproofing characteristics. Additional features include a Door Open Alarm, Electronic Capacitive Touch Controls, and 3-Color LED Lighting in Cloud White, Deep Blue, and Amber.

All of our dual zone coolers include two evaporators that improve temperature control in each zone, and the internal cooling fans are extremely quiet so there’s no loud humming sound in the background,” says Siow.

Our shelf LED lightings can be used in Wine & Beverage Cooler. If you are looking for LED lighting for Wine & Beverage Cooler or drink display cabinet, please feel free to contact us.




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