
の 10 LED照明の利点 (1)

With the breakthrough of LED technology a modern and future-proof light source came onto the market. Here are the 10 advantages of current LED lighting

With the breakthrough of LED technology a modern and future-proof light source came onto the market. Here are the 10 advantages of current LED lighting:

  1. 非常に長い寿命

As it is well known, LED lightings have a very long lifespan. This is at least 15,000 hours even with inexpensive LED lights, which is about 4 times of halogen lamps. LEDs of better quality last between 20,000 そして 50,000 時間. As our products, the freezer LED lightings last at least 25,000 時間, most products can last over 30,000 そして 50,000 hours.of, and shelf LED lightings last over 50,000 時間.

  1. 低消費電力

The luminous efficacy of current LED lamps is around 80 100 lm/W (lumens per watt). Some high-power LEDs even reach over 300 lm/W. Halogen lamps only deliver about 12 lm/W. Thanks to this high efficiency of the LED technology, energy consumption is 6 to 8 times lower. The efficacy of our shelf or freezer LED lightings is 140-150 lm/W.

例えば: To replace an old ceiling light including a 100 watt lamp, an LED light with only 12 to 16 watts is sufficient. If this is added up to the entire household, enormous electricity costs can be saved every year.

  1. 高い耐衝撃性

In contrast to halogen or energy-saving lamps, LED lamps are very insensitive to shocks. This is a great advantage for all movable luminaires and spotlights. So we don’t have to worry about adjusting or panning them when turned on.

Portable LED spotlights or LED torches benefit mostly from the high shock and vibration resistance. If use an old halogen spotlights a careless impact was often enough for the light source damaged so it had to be replaced.




中秋節: 温かい心

すべての沈黙に寛容, 中秋節に心からの休日の挨拶と気遣いをする会社の勤勉な従業員.


Laidishine はスーパーマーケットの最初の建設を支援しました 3.0 中国の店舗

Laidishine はスーパーマーケットの最初の建設を支援しました 3.0 中国の店舗. 縦型冷凍庫から冷蔵ショーケースへ, 次にアイランドキャビネットとサービスキャビネットへ, 各キャビネットには専用の高解像度 LED 照明システムが装備されています, 演色評価数 ≥90, 明るく柔らかい, そして眩しくない, カラー商品の真の修復を確実にするために, リラックスして満足して買い物をする顧客, 良いショッピング旅行をお楽しみください.


ベーカリー照明: 鮮度を保つ

クリームケーキなら, パン, 店頭展示品などは長時間光にさらされます。, 表面の水分が失われ、古くなったり、色あせたりする可能性があります. Laidishine LED ソリューションは、店内の商品ディスプレイを劇的に改善するだけでなく、, パンにさらに魅力的な生命力を与える, だけでなく、窓に映るパンの光による老化プロセスをうまく遅らせることもできます。, 賞味期限を延長し、販売実績の一貫した成長をサポートします.


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