아이스크림 판매에 영향을 미치는 요인

많은 유통업체와 최종 사용자 판매자는 판매 규정을 준수하고 매출을 크게 늘리는 비결이 효과적인 재고 제시임을 알고 있습니다.. 하지만, 현재 시장 상황에서 고객의 관심이 이동하고 있습니다.. 화약 없는 전쟁에서 고객을 끌어들이고 유지하려면 독특한 쇼핑 경험을 만드는 것이 특히 중요합니다.. 그리고 냉동실 램프가 이 설정의 핵심 구성 요소이기 때문에, 그 중요성은 명백하다. 조명 환경 최적화, 특히 냉장고 조명 디자인, 제품 매력도를 높이고 판매 혁신을 촉진하기 위한 새로운 전쟁터로 부상했습니다..
아이스크림 판매 요인

Ice cream sales, as we all know, are quite seasonal; they only happen for a few months each year, and missing them is sure to result in heartbreak. 결과적으로, many retailers use a discount sales approach to generate revenue and clear up inventory backlogs.

사실은, many dealers and terminal merchants understand that, according to the law of sales, properly presented items improve sales significantly. 하지만, the shopping experience has altered. Consumers are increasingly focused on the purchasing experience. 결과적으로, manufacturers are currently focusing on the retail environment. The refrigerated display light, as the central component of this environmental aspect, is critical to brand image and product display. To increase ice cream sales, we shall make the following ideas.

아이스크림 판매 요인

1. Arrange the show in an acceptable manner

The ice cream is wrapped in bright packaging that catches customersattention beneath the freezer lights. A reasonable layout can significantly enhance ice cream sales. 하지만, many supermarkets in the ice cream industry are disorganized, making it difficult for customers to select items and providing a terrible consumer experience. Retailers can display popular items prominently in their freezers, making it easy for customers to choose from and saving them time shopping, resulting in more repeat customers.

2. Install the proper lighting on the ice cream display.

When it comes to achieving ice cream sales, the freezer is an essential resource. 일반적으로, the refrigerator investment is essentially cost-effective and efficient. Consumer psychology is significantly impacted by the shopping environment. DIM lighting will make consumers feel as though a product is outdated or not fresh, which will hinder sales for a long time, let alone encourage them to purchase it. Bright, consistent lighting can draw attention to the product, giving the package a lovely sheen in the light beneath the map. In order to encourage clients to stay and make their selections, it is also important to create a comfortable lighting environment.

How To Make Ice Cream With Light Cream

3. Create a pleasant retail atmosphere and enhance the sensory experience.

18% of Chinese consumers, up 24% among the younger generation, believe that sensory stimulation other than taste will influence their desire for food and beverages, according to Innova Market Insight Research. Large manufacturers have worked hard on packaging. But I’m afraid no one will be interested in attractive packaging if there isn’t any light. In order to make the ice cream look very appealing, the freezer lights can be packaged in accordance with the product’s color and at the right temperature. This will encourage sellers to purchase the product.

4. Constantly foster positive relationships with customers.

Creating a welcoming environment for consumers to shop in is the key to building positive relationships with them. Every consumer, in my opinion, wants to be able to see exactly what they are purchasing when they go shopping. Bright lighting conditions, good visibility of the product surface, and increased consumer pleasure are all provided by the refrigerator lamp.

Refrigerated showcase For Ice Cream

5. The terminal display does a thorough evaluation.

Only with a rigorous evaluation system will there be guidelines for the terminal display work, and the salesman will be under pressure and motivated to perform well so that the terminal display work can always be in the best possible condition.

In apeople-orientedsetting, the emphasis on sales fees has subtly shifted to a more comfortable environment for consumption. Retailers must provide a bright, tidy, and welcoming shopping space for sellers to perform well in order to draw in and keep consumers during the intense competition and take advantage of the golden era of ice cream sales.

Ice Cream Lighting

Check out our solution and get in touch with us to enhance your buying experience: The application page. https://www.laidishine.com/multi-deck-showcase-closed/


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우리에 대해 알고 12 우리에 대해 알고, 우리에 대해 알고 “@laidishine.com”.

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데이터 보호법을 준수하기 위해, 팝업의 핵심 사항을 검토해 주시기 바랍니다.. 당사 웹사이트를 계속 이용하시려면, '수락'을 클릭해야 합니다. & 닫다'. 당사의 개인 정보 보호 정책에 대해 자세히 알아볼 수 있습니다.. 당사는 귀하의 계약을 문서화하며 개인정보 보호정책으로 이동하여 위젯을 클릭하여 선택을 취소할 수 있습니다..