선반 조명이 작동하지 않는 이유?

식료품 선반의 라이트 바가 그렇게 쉽게 부러지는 이유? 숙련 된 엔지니어는 진정한 원인을 드러냅니다.

Due to their extended lifespan and low energy consumption, LED strips are frequently used in contemporary business settings. 하지만, many retailers are perplexed as to why the LED light that is supposed to last five years breaks after only six months. As a lighting engineer with experience working for Walmart, Sam’s, and other supermarkets, we’ll share with you industry facts today, including the five primary causes of LED shelf lightsshort lifespan and rapid brightness deterioration.

첫 번째, it could hurt your route: “The light is not bright; first check the line.

The first thing many maintenance professionals do when they see a dim light is to check the line contact. 하지만, I must warn you that forced disassembly might make the problem worse!

Only last week was a such example handled: the lights of a Ningbo supermarket frequently went out, employees kept plugging in connectors, and eventually, the entire circuit board burned. It was later discovered that the drive power supply’s output voltage was higher than expected, and the basic reconnecting circuit concealed the main hidden hazard.

The proper approach:

1. Prioritize checking the drive power rather than simply removing the light.

2. The first multimeter detects the power output voltage (normal ± 5%).

3. Check whether the joint oxidation is black.

Secondly, a Time bomb in the lamp-driven power supply

It’s worth noting that 60% of light bar failures in the market can be attributed to the small box palm size and drive power. Last year, we investigated 37 frequent drivers and discovered two unexpected phenomena:

Price trap: 에이 19.9 yuan “Value power”, the real output swings as high as 23% (GB standards < 5%)

Nominal standard: Nominal 50W power supply, measured on the 30W overheat protection

Buying Tips:

1. When it comes to power, it’s better to buy big than small. (Seek advice from professional sales experts.)

2. Opt for the triple protection function (overvoltage/overcurrent/short circuit).

3. Look for the phraseConstant current power supply” (to protect the lamp beads)

Thirdly, theDeceptionof the lamp beads

With the same notional 50,000 hours of life, why do certain lights fade after a year? The secret is in the quality of the lamp beads. High-quality LED lamp beads, with an excellent manufacturing process, can have a longer life.

Two strips were disassembled last week:

Brand A: the use of brand lamp beads; 5000 hours of light fade of just 2%

Brand B: no beacon beads, 800 hours with a clear, dark area.

Easy identification:

1. Shoot in slow motion using a cell phone: poor lights flicker.

2. Contrast with the ambient illumination: attenuation of more than 20%, suggested replacement

3. View Lamp Beads Package: High-quality items include jelly-like silicone protection.

Fourth, Installation Error

Many electricians, in the installation of a mistake, are to work with a point, not cut the wire, and this time burned the entire line.

Lastly, Overlooked Details

Welding is a critical component of the lamp production process. This is due to the relatively high technological requirements for personnel, welding that is not firm, late transportation or use process, lamp beads or connecting line off, and other factors that contribute to the shelf light not being bright.


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