Happy Laidishine Team Building Activity

Happy Laidishine Team Building Activity-News Cover

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In order to reward staff for working really well as a team and add some fun into the normal workday, Laidishine held team building activity today.

The icebreaker was the game Scavenger Huntnot only amuses, but also encourages all the staff to team up innovatively. The sales team accomplished all the tasks and won the winner at last. All of us feel amazing and revitalized. We took numerous irrational pictures and share them with all of the team members.

Then Scramble Puzzle! This activity created a high level of trust and communication among the members of team. After that, we cooked a big delicious meal to celebrate and appreciate all the employees’ hard working.

This team building activity allows employees to interact well with one another and start off on a good note. Also, reduce employee stress and take the burden off their shoulders. Happy Laidishine Team Building Activity.

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