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LED Lighting-Blog Cover

What is an LED Driver

An LED driver is an electronic circuit that generates a constant output current from the supply voltage.

LED lighting application-Blog cover

About LED Degradation

The term degradation in connection with LED lighting describes the decrease in luminous flux over the course of a lifetime.

LED Lighting-Blog Cover

Does LED Lighting Get Darker Over Time?

Our shelf lighting tubes can be used over 50000 hours, and refrigerated display lighting tubes can be guaranteed to use over 30000~50000 hours, according to different series.

Refrigerator Lighting-Blog Cover

About Quick-frozen Food

When we go to the supermarket, make good use of the frozen food in the display freezer. And hope our LED lightings can be used more.

Refrigerator Lighting-Blog Cover

The Defrosting MethodsPart 3

If you haven’t so much time to thaw food in refrigerator, taking food out of the freezer and thawing in microwave is a not bad method.

LED lightings-News Cover

The Defrosting MethodsPart 2

When thawing frozen food, thawing in the refrigerator is the best method, because the refrigerator remains at a safe, constant temperature — at 40 °F or below.

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