Cold Room And Coldroom Lighting

Cold Room And Coldroom Lighting-News Cover

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Coldroom/storage is a warehouse in a specific temperature. According to the different temperature, it can be divided into the following types:

1) Low temperature cold room/storage:-10°C~-20°C

2) Medium temperature cold storage:-5°C~-10°C

3) High temperature cold room/storage:-5°C~+5°C

4) Freezing cold room/storage: below -25°C

Through storage, the life of fresh perishable foods such as meats, fish, fruits and vegetables can be extended several days by cooling, and several weeks or months by freezing. So the refrigerator or coldroom is very important in our life and business. And in a coldroom, the lighting is very important. Lighting in coldrooms should provide a safe working environment by achieving a certain level of light intensity even at low temperatures. In addition a low power consumption is required to reduce the additional cooling due to the heating from lighting to a minimum.

When we select lighting solutions for a coldroom/storage, the points of below are important:

  • Easy to clean.
  • Solid.
  • Low minimum ambient temperature class.
  • No maintenance and reduced power consumption The new product of our cold room/storage lighting is named CRT. Its operate temperature is -25°C~+10°C, so it fits the low/medium/high temperature type cold room/storage. The following are the features of CRT:

1.waterproof IP69K, redefine the waterproof standard of cold room lights.

2.All-plastic design to prevent condensation water from the lamp body.

3.The lamp cap is of special welding artwork and sealed to avoid thermal expansion and contraction.

4.Easy clean, smooth design body, not easy to accumulate dust.

5.Easy to install.

6.Energy saving.

So if you are selecting a solution for cold rooms/storages, the CRT is a very good choice. Welcome to inquire of us.

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