Is it true that a higher color temperature automatically means brighter light?

Higher Color Temperature Equal To Brighter Light
Is it true that a higher color temperature automatically means brighter light?

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🗺 During our recent site visit, we noticed a common misconception among retailers: many think that higher color temperature automatically means brighter light. But is this true?

🌡 Color temperature, measured in Kelvin (K), defines the hue of the light source, ranging from warm (yellowish) to cool (bluish) tones.

🔆 Brightness, or luminous intensity, is determined by the light source’s output in lumens, not its color temperature.

So, a higher color temperature doesn’t necessarily mean brighter light. Instead, it changes the light’s visual effect, which is crucial for making products look their best.
🥛 For example, if milk is displayed under a light with a color temperature over 10000K, which has more bluish tones, it would look quite unappetizing and unnatural. Imagine the cold, almost clinical look it would give to the milk—definitely not appealing to customers.

✅ Choosing the right color temperature for each type of food is essential for optimal product display. This ensures that products appear fresh and appealing, attracting customers and enhancing their shopping experience. Understanding these preferences helps retailers stay ahead in creating inviting and effective shopping environments.

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