The Lighting Renovation In Columbia Airport

The Lighting Renovation In Columbia Airport-News Cover

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Eindhoven, the Netherlands – Signify, the world leader in lighting, in a first phase has provided the El Dorado International Airport in Bogota, Colombia, with 8,941 3D printed downlights that will help the airport to reduce its carbon emissions thanks to a typical 3D printed luminaire having a 75% lower carbon footprint than conventionally fabricated metal fixtures. The airport also retrofitted more than 14,000 luminaires to LEDs, helping to reduce the airport’s electricity consumption by 66%. As electricity represents 60% of the carbon footprint of Latin America’s largest airport in terms of cargo volume, and third in the region in terms of passengers, this will contribute even more to the airport reducing its carbon emissions and significantly helps it on its journey to become a national and regional benchmark for sustainable operations and energy efficiency.

LED lightings have the advantages of low energy consumption, high efficiency, and friendly to environment by producing lower carbon dioxide emissions. Our company specializes in the production of LED freezer lightings and shelf lightings, we are honored to be a member of this environmental protection industry.

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