Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre efeitos de iluminação

A light fixture's power directly affects how much energy it uses. O uso de energia aumenta com o aumento da potência. We shall examine the relationship between brightness and power in more detail in today's post.
Luz de exibição refrigerada

As we discovered in“O que torna as luzes LED tão famintas de energia e de curta duração, a light fixture’s power directly affects how much energy it uses—the use of energy increases with increasing power. Examinaremos a relação entre brilho e potência com mais detalhes na postagem de hoje..

Na verdade, light efficiency has a significant bearing on lighting brightness and is not just influenced by power. The primary metric used to assess the effectiveness of lamps and lanterns is light efficiency, or the efficiency of converting electric energy into light energy. Como resultado, more energy-efficient lamps can produce brighter lighting even at the same power while also drastically lowering electricity prices and energy usage.

Temperatura de cor mais alta igual a luz mais brilhante

Understanding and putting this scientific theory to use would enable B-end refrigerator makers to offer more affordable and environmentally friendly lighting options to C-end clients, giving C-end merchants the ability to emerge victorious in the intense market battle.

一.What is Luminous Efficacy?

Luminous efficacy (lm/w): The ratio of the luminous flux emitted by a luminaire to the power consumed by it, also known as luminous efficiency. Measured in LM/W, it is a crucial indicator for assessing the energy efficiency of light sources. The higher the luminous efficacy, the stronger the ability of the luminaire to convert electrical energy into light energy, and the better its energy-saving performance.

二.Why Choose High-Luminous-Efficacy Lighting?

Using LED lights as an example, there is a noticeable difference in the luminous efficiency of high and low lights. When two LED lights possess identical power (e.g., 100C) but differ in their luminous efficacies (70LM/W and 140LM/W, respectively), the light with the higher luminous efficacy will produce double the amount of light as the light with the lower efficacy. This means that employing high-luminous-efficiency lighting not only minimizes the number of fixtures needed to provide the same level of illumination brightness but also dramatically lowers energy consumption. Over time, electricity bills might be significantly reduced. Além disso, heat generation is decreased with high-luminous-efficiency lighting, extending bulb life and safeguarding electronic components as more electrical energy is transformed into light energy.

How To Calculate The Light Effect

三.Practical Cases and Application Scenarios

From upgrading Walmart’s refrigerated display cabinets to replacing shelf lighting in retail establishments, there are numerous practical applications for high-luminous-efficiency lighting. They not only increase the lighting effects but also the retail environment, giving customers a better shopping experience.


With the addition of a high-light-efficiency SPU, we were able to drastically lower electricity costs while simultaneously improving illumination clarity and efficiency in Walmart’s refrigerated display cases.

We replace high-efficiency lamps for retail stores

We replace high-efficiency lamps for retail stores

Technological Development and Future Trends

The early LED lighting market was plagued by issues like glare, low light efficiency, and uneven light distribution, all of which restricted the widespread use and experience of LED lighting. No entanto, since LED technology has advanced quickly, the introduction of optical lens technology has emerged as a crucial turning point in the effort to address these issues. It efficiently prevents the formation of light spots and dark areas by optimizing the dispersion of light from LED lamps and producing more uniform and soft light to cover the target area. Além disso, the lens’s guiding and focusing capabilities greatly increase light efficiency, minimize light loss during propagation, and maximize the utilization of all available light energy.

optical lens technology

These days, optical lens technology has advanced to a fairly mature level, with accurate parameters and designs for various shapes and lighting requirements. to accommodate varying occasionslighting requirements. It is important to remember that choosing reputable lens manufacturers is crucial to guarantee the superior quality and performance of lens technology. Laidishine has gained widespread recognition and appreciation in the market as a pioneer in the business because of its expert technical strength, extensive product ranges, and superior customer service. Ladishina is a dependable supplier for clients looking for premium LED lighting products.

Optical Lens Technology

Além disso, the life of an LED lamp bead and the temperature of the working environment are inversely correlated; for every 10 degrees Celsius drop in working temperature, the bead’s life can double. It has therefore been industry standard practice to employ aluminum because of its superior thermal performance for lamp shells in order to maximize lamp life and improve user experience.

Simultaneously, high-performance LED bulbs and intelligent lighting systems are becoming more and more popular, and they both contribute to the lighting industry’s intelligent, green transition. Due to its great adaptability and intelligence, the system can effortlessly generate a customized lighting scene, automatically alter brightness and color temperature, and detect changes in the user’s surroundings. This user-centered design idea not only satisfies the modern person’s need for a high-quality lighting environment, but it also significantly contributes to the strength of green living, energy conservation, and emission reduction by supporting green living.

Led Efficiency include Electronic component

. User Health and Comfort

As was already said, high-luminous-efficiency lighting can help create a more comfortable shopping environment by somewhat reducing the visual fatigue brought on by inadequate lighting thanks to its outstanding brightness performance. To create a visually appealing and cozy atmosphere, retail owners should carefully analyze the specific requirements of their items and carefully select the right color temperatures when choosing lighting fixtures, rather than focusing only on efficiency. Por exemplo, reddish lighting can highlight the freshness of the products in the fresh meat area; warmer yellow lighting can enhance the cozy ambiance and entice customers to stay longer; and white lighting works well in the checkout area to create a clean, efficient atmosphere that encourages customers to finish their transactions quickly.


Improving the quality of the light is also very important. Adverse effects like glare and flicker must be scrupulously avoided in order to provide a uniform dispersion of light without creating discomfort. This will result in a peaceful and welcoming retail setting that improves customersshopping experiences and subtly increases sales, benefiting businesses in the long run.

Iluminação Interna

. Cost-Benefit Analysis

In addition to saving a substantial amount of money on electricity bills, high-luminous-efficiency lighting comes with a thorough framework for assessing lighting performance because of its longer maintenance intervals, lower replacement frequency, and proven long-term stability.

  • First off, high-luminous-efficiency lighting is superior in terms of material choice and technological advancements, which reduces the likelihood of failures during operation and, as a consequence, lowers maintenance expenses.
  • Second, the cost of needing frequent repairs is reduced because these fixtures have longer lifespans and produce less heat.
  • Finally, over time, businesses may improve the shopping experience by creating a welcoming and comfortable environment with the support of high-luminous-efficiency lighting. Without a question, one of the most important elements in increasing operational efficiency is this implicit cost.

Dispelling the myth thathigh power equals brightness,” let’s use light efficacy as a benchmark to reevaluate the lighting equipment we use. High-luminous-efficiency lighting, with its exceptional illumination performance and notable energy-saving advantages, is progressively making its way into the market in this period of pursuing green and energy-saving methods. Selecting high-luminous-efficiency lighting for our enterprises or as customers not only serves our own interests, but it also helps protect the environment. Together, let’s embrace a more energy-efficient and brighter future for lighting.

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

Aplicação de iluminação de display refrigerado do SPU VC 1

Devendo a conveniência da loja de geladeiras ser desligadas à noite?

Refrigeradores servem como o “Guardiões da frescura” em lojas de conveniência, supermercados, lojas de comida fresca, e outras configurações semelhantes. No entanto, O dilema entre os altos custos de eletricidade e a garantia da qualidade do produto sempre incomodou os operadores. Como superar o “Ansiedade de Powe-Off”? Realizamos análises detalhadas de vários cenários com o objetivo de propor estratégias ideais que não apenas economizam energia, mas também mantêm a qualidade refrigerada dos produtos.

Fatores para vendas de sorvete

Fatores que afetam a venda de sorvete

Muitos distribuidores e comerciantes usuários finais estão cientes de que o segredo para aderir às regulamentações de vendas e aumentar significativamente as vendas é a apresentação eficaz do estoque.. No entanto, a atenção dos clientes está mudando na situação atual do mercado. Criar uma experiência de compra única é especialmente crucial nesta luta sem pólvora para atrair e reter clientes. E como a lâmpada do freezer é o componente central desta configuração, seu significado é óbvio. Otimizando o ambiente de iluminação, particularmente design de iluminação de geladeira, surgiu como um novo campo de batalha para aumentar o apelo do produto e promover a transformação das vendas.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

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