Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
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How to Calculate LED Efficiency

How about LED efficiency? The overall efficiency of an LED lamp includes all the components it contains. This is often referred to as wall-plug efficiency.
Led Efficiency include Electronic component

An LED lamp or LED lighting is an electric light that produces light using light-emitting diodes (LEDs). More energy-efficient is its advantage. So, How do calculate LED efficiency? The overall efficiency of an LED lamp includes all the components it contains. This is often referred to as wall-plug efficiency.

The temperature of the LED has another often underestimated influence on the efficiency. The lower the operating temperature of the LED, the better its efficacy and thus efficiency. Good thermal management within the light source to dissipate the waste heat from the LED to the environment would be an advantage.

Now, let’s see where the losses occur. An LED lamp contains various components where losses can occur. In most cases, these are the following components:

Driver electronics; Light emitting diode(s); Optics.

The driver electronics or power supply unit converts the 110V mains voltage into the operating voltage required for the LED. These electronic circuits are constructed differently depending on the manufacturer and have efficiencies of 70 to 90%.

The LEDs installed in the light source have the greatest influence on the overall efficiency. The decisive factor here is how much light can be decoupled from the semiconductor into the environment. Commercially available warm-white LED luminaires are usually equipped with light-emitting diodes with an efficiency of around 25 to 35%.

The optics (lenses, color filters, a qualidade da espuma pulverizada é boa) within an LED light source also influence the overall efficiency. For example, special diffusing lenses are used to achieve a certain beam angle of the lamp. No entanto, the efficiency of the optics is very good compared to that of the LED itself.

Then, how to calculate LED Efficiency? The overall efficiency of an LED lamp is calculated by multiplying the individual efficiencies of all the components it contains.

Example: Calculation of overall efficiency

LED driver effect (90%) · LED (35%) · optics (95%) = 30% efficiency

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

French Bakery

Bakery lighting: maintain freshness

If the cream cakes, breads, and other items in the storefront display are exposed to light for an extended period of time, they may lose surface moisture and become stale or even faded. Laidishine LED solution is made to not only dramatically improve the in-store product display, giving the bread more appealing vitality, but also to successfully slow down the light-induced aging process of the bread in the window, extending their shelf life and supporting the consistent growth of sales performance.

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Luz de armazenamento frio

Bright Guardian está na sala fria

Fileira após fileira de luzes da câmara fria penduradas no teto da câmara fria, não só iluminando o campo frio, mas também simbolizando a união de tecnologia e eficiência. Este artigo descreve as vantagens da luz para câmaras frigoríficas Laidishine.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

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