LED shelf lights are becoming a large retailer’s go-to tool for increasing turnover because they not only make the product area brighter and draw customers’ attention, but they also include energy-saving, explosion-proof, and safety features. After years of industrial experience, everyone knows that low-voltage shelf lights are best, but how can you choose between the popular 12V and 24V low-voltage lights? Below, we will address this query in more depth.
Depending on your needs and the light’s power, you should decide whether to use a 12V or 24V light. While both can be used normally, in this case, I advise using the 24V. The 24V current is almost half as tiny as the 12 current at the same power, and the voltage drop that results causes a very slight decrease in brightness along the LED strip. They vary in the following ways:

1.Various applications
Due to its low power, the 12-volt light can be used in small spaces like closets. Greater brightness can be achieved with the 24-volt light since it has a comparatively high power and a larger current. Since the shelf is typically several meters long and requires series LED light connections, 24 volts is a better option.
2.Varying degrees of heat loss
A 12-volt light uses less energy, produces less heat, and lowers the chance of overheating in part because it has a lower voltage and current. There will be more heat because of the 24 volts of power. The 24-volt service life is less than the 12-volt service life in a small area. Como resultado, while buying the led shelf light, one must make a careful decision based on the quality of the lights and lanterns, not just on price.
Science Fact: There are two different cutting modes for LED light strips: 12 volts and 24 volts. The cutting distance for 24 pay is 5 cm, with 6 lamp beads for each cutting. belt with three lamp beads, one tailoring, and a 12-volt lamp. A pressure decrease occurs at 5 meters for the 12-volt strip and 10 meters for the 24-volt strip. It’s safe to cut because the light belt has been cut.
To sum up, 24-volt lamps are more suitable for shelf life.
More product knowledge:https://www.laidishine.com/