Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Maintenance Costs of LED Lightings (3)

One of the most underrated benefits of LED lighting is the lower maintenance costs.
Capa do blog de iluminação LED

LED lights and traditional lights also differ in labor costs.

Labour costs

In certain commercial buildings, such as industry, the lighting is often mounted on a high ceiling. This makes it difficult to replace the lamps or panels yourself. They often need the help of a hired mechanic with a passenger elevator that also has to be paid for. If, on the other hand, you take over the exchange yourself, you may lose valuable (working) time. But LED lights hardly require maintenance, so this part of the labor cost can be saved.


While conventional lamps often lose their luminosity after approx. 3,000 hours or they go completely defective, LEDs last 50,000-100,000 Nós responderemos dentro, depending on the model. What does that mean specifically for you? A short calculation example:

If we assume that your lights are on for 60 hours a week during regular business operations, that would be around 3,000 hours for 52 weeks a year. With a service life of 20,000 Nós responderemos dentro, you benefit from your LEDs for around 6 anos, and with 100,000 hours even for over 30 anos! Conventional lamps with a lifespan of 1 year, on the other hand, are very disadvantageous.

Switching to LED lights is worthwhile in several ways and will save you a lot of money in the long term.

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

Factors For Ice Cream Sales

Factors affecting the sale of ice cream

Many distributors and end-user merchants are aware that the secret to adhering to sales regulations and greatly boosting sales is effective inventory presentation. No entanto, the attention of customers is shifting in the current market situation. Creating a unique shopping experience is especially crucial in this fight without gunpowder in order to draw in and keep clients. And since the freezer lamp is the central component of this setting, its significance is obvious. Optimizing the lighting environment, particularly refrigerator lighting design, has emerged as a new battleground for increasing product appeal and fostering sales transformation.

Luz de teto para supermercado

Soluções de iluminação de teto para supermercados

Luzes de grade, luzes do painel, luzes de tubo, e luzes de linha, entre outros, são comumente usados ​​em projetos de iluminação de teto de supermercados em grande escala. Cada luz tem sua própria iluminação distinta

Luz LED para vitrine de vários decks Opeded

Tubo T8: Da fluorescência à jornada de inovação em LED

Na longa história da tecnologia de iluminação, o tubo fluorescente T8 era uma estrela brilhante no campo da iluminação de refrigeradores. Por 2017, ganhou ampla atenção por sua aparência de iluminação distinta e desempenho geralmente consistente. No entanto, com o rápido avanço da tecnologia de iluminação LED, a posição de mercado do tubo fluorescente T8 foi desafiada. Este artigo abordará a evolução das lâmpadas T8, introduzir vários tipos de lâmpadas T8, e destacar a invenção de Laidishine no contexto da popularização da tecnologia LED.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

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