Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Mid-autumn Festival: Warm Hearts

laidishine to every silent, diligent employee of the company to the most heartfelt holiday greetings and concern in Mid-Autumn Festival.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival

In the Golden Laurel fragrance of September, look forward to the mid-autumn Festival as promised. The mid-autumn Festival is not only a traditional festival for family reunion and enjoying the bright moon together, but also an important moment for us to convey warmth and gather strength. Here, laidishine to every silent, diligent employee of the company to the most heartfelt holiday greetings and concern.


Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, a symbol of the members, on this special day, the company wishes you and your family a happy holiday. In the company’s family, each employee is an indispensable member of the precious, like stars, dotted the night sky, although different locations, but together to illuminate the road ahead. We cross the boundaries of the post, hand in hand, in the face of challenges to fight side by side, to overcome difficulties; in the joy of success, we are hand in hand to celebrate and share the glory of customer praise. Every step of the company’s growth and leap condenses each partner’s insights, efforts, and sweat. Is your hard work responsible for the company’s current success; is your unselfish dedication to promoting the company’s further development? The company is loyal and thanks its tiny partners for their hard work.

The company understands that each employee’s efforts and contributions are the foundation of the company’s growth. As a result, we always treat employee well-being as the most significant asset of the company, and we are dedicated to creating a pleasant, harmonic coexistence and a positive work environment. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the company carefully prepared a special present to allow each employee to feel the warmth and concern of the company. We sincerely think thatprofessionalism, inovação, respect, and friendshipare not only the key values of our corporate culture but also the spirit of walking together lighthouse. We encourage each employee to uphold these principles, to strive for excellence and innovation, and to respect and assist one another in creating a brighter future for our firm.

Laidishine Team

Finally, once again, I wish all staff and Family a Happy mid-autumn Festival! In the days to come, let us continue to work hand in hand to create a better future!

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

island cabinet

Laidishine helped a supermarket build the first 3.0 store in China

Laidishine helped a supermarket build the first 3.0 store in China. From the vertical freezer to the Refrigerated Display Case, then to the island cabinet and service cabinet, each cabinet is equipped with a dedicated high-definition LED lighting system, color rendering index ≥90, bright soft, and not dazzling, to ensure true restoration of color goods, customers shopping relaxed and happy, enjoy a good shopping trip.

French Bakery

Bakery lighting: maintain freshness

If the cream cakes, breads, and other items in the storefront display are exposed to light for an extended period of time, they may lose surface moisture and become stale or even faded. Laidishine LED solution is made to not only dramatically improve the in-store product display, giving the bread more appealing vitality, but also to successfully slow down the light-induced aging process of the bread in the window, extending their shelf life and supporting the consistent growth of sales performance.

Luz de exibição refrigerada

Everything you need to know about lighting effects

A light fixture’s power directly affects how much energy it uses. The use of energy increases with increasing power. We shall examine the relationship between brightness and power in more detail in today’s post.

Prateleira de legumes

Soluções de iluminação para temperatura de cor

Um bom esquema de iluminação é mais do que apenas exibir a estética do espaço; é também uma extensão do caráter da marca. Pode tornar os produtos mais vibrantes e atraentes, além de dotar cada produto de uma cor vibrante distinta, permitindo que os clientes sintam um momento agradável e confortável ao entrar na loja, e depois adicionar pontos à experiência de compra.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Nós responderemos dentro 12 Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro “”.

Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro Nós responderemos dentro, Nós responderemos dentro, se você tem mais detalhes para produtos ou gostaria de obter uma solução leve negociada.

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