Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Tubo T8: Da fluorescência à jornada de inovação em LED

Na longa história da tecnologia de iluminação, o tubo fluorescente T8 era uma estrela brilhante no campo da iluminação de refrigeradores. Por 2017, ganhou ampla atenção por sua aparência de iluminação distinta e desempenho geralmente consistente. No entanto, com o rápido avanço da tecnologia de iluminação LED, a posição de mercado do tubo fluorescente T8 foi desafiada. Este artigo abordará a evolução das lâmpadas T8, introduzir vários tipos de lâmpadas T8, and highlight Laidishine's invention in the context of LED technology popularization.
Luz LED para vitrine de vários decks Opeded

The T8 fluorescent bulb was the industry leader in refrigerated illumination ten years ago, but its inherent flaws are also slowly becoming apparent. Since the second half of 2017, LED lighting technology has drastically altered market trends. Como resultado, customers have started to place greater value on productsaffordability and longevity, which has led to a shift in the demand for lighting. Despite this significant shift in the market, Laidishine has consistently kept up with innovation, actively addressed consumer needs, and independently created an enhanced T8 LED light that not only achieves a performance boost but also establishes a new standard for durability and cost control. Once the target of market imitation, this groundbreaking invention not only gained widespread consumer recognition but also aided in the advancement and development of the entire refrigerator lighting sector.

Cabinet Showcase

The evolution of the T8 lamp at Laidishine

Since its inception, the T8 fluorescent light is named for its typical size of 8/8 inches, or roughly 26 milímetros.
has been the preferred option for commercial lighting, including refrigerators and supermarket shelves. No entanto, as technology develops and consumer preferences shift, T8 fluorescent lightsflaws, such as their fragility, potential for environmental contamination, and comparatively low energy efficiency and lifespan, will become more significant. The market began searching for more sophisticated, eco-friendly lighting solutions as a result of these shortcomings.

Tubo T8
From Fluorescence To LED Innovation Journey

The diverse development of the T8 lamp

T8 lamps are always innovating and developing in response to market challenges. One significant turning point in the evolution of T8 lamps was the switch from conventional fluorescent to LED lighting.

1. T8 fluorescent tube introduction

With a lifespan of between 5,000 and 15,000 Nós responderemos dentro, the T8 fluorescent tube is a glass tube that needs an electrical ballast to function. When the light tube breaks, mercury and other dangerous gases will be released, polluting the environment. Adicionalmente, using G13 lamp holders, which are a worldwide standard, hampered its adaptability in certain unique application settings.

The Evolution Of The T8 Lamp At Laidishine

2. T8-PRO tube introduction

The T8-PRO lamp emerged as LED technology matured. It uses a light-emitting diode as a light source, has a half-aluminum and half-plastic appearance, is not easily broken, and has a greatly increased energy-saving impact, with a life of more than 50,000 Nós responderemos dentro. No entanto, due to their high cost and lack of waterproof properties, electronic components may have a shorter life when used in the refrigerator.


3. Economy—the introduction of T8S lamps

Laidishine introduced the T8 economy-T8S light to satisfy the demands of a wider range of customers. In addition to using an LED light source, it has an all-plastic look, integrated metal rails, and improved heat dissipation. It also affects service life and is not waterproof.


4. Simple—the introduction to T8L

With its entire plastic tubes and absence of integrated metal guides, the T8 compact-T8L further streamlines the design. Despite having a relatively poor lighting impact and design life, it is more reasonably priced and appropriate for usage in situations when money is tight.


The creative action of Laidishine

Laidishine has consistently kept up with innovation despite the significant shifts in the market. Given the widespread use of LED technology, the business independently created several cutting-edge T8 LED lights to enhance product performance and longevity and satisfy the demands of a wider range of customers.

1. The introduction of T8M-H

Laidishine has introduced a cost-effective integrated lamp, the T8M-H series. It overcomes the conventional pin installation method, fixed lamp card, and end cap waterproof structure design, making the entire light IP65 waterproof. This light has significantly increased life and light efficiency.


2. The introduction of T8M-V

Glass door cabinets typically have temperatures ranging from -18°C to 0°C, necessitating lighting that are both waterproof and low-temperature resistant. Laidishine unveiled the T8M-V lamp. This lamp is not only as efficient and long-lasting as the T8M-H, but it is also better suited to low-temperature environments. Além disso, its light angle is sufficient to illuminate the center of each door, ensuring that there is no uneven lighting or darkness.


3. The introduction of T8J

In the second half of 2017, when LED lamps became increasingly popular, Laidishine responded to market shifts by introducing the T8J series compact integrated LED lamps. This lamp is not only waterproof but also very cost-effective. Once launched, the market will be in hot chase, and the company will have one of the most popular items.


A few years ago, the market was also generated from T8 low-voltage products, but the necessity for constant-voltage transformers, in theory, will result in a longer life but not stability. Customers in the high-end market need stability and energy-saving products; therefore, we have developed a number of product lines, including SNK, LBS, SPU, and LBF styles. For more information, please visit our website.

The transition from T8 fluorescent to LED lamps is an unavoidable trend in lighting technology development. As a leading firm in the lighting sector, Laidishine maintains a steady pace of innovation and continually develops new products to suit market demand. In the future, as science and technology advance and customer demand shifts, Laidishine will continue to lead the lighting industry’s development trend, providing consumers with higher quality, environmental protection, and energy-saving lighting solutions.

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

Luz de teto para supermercado

Soluções de iluminação de teto para supermercados

Luzes de grade, luzes do painel, luzes de tubo, e luzes de linha, entre outros, são comumente usados ​​em projetos de iluminação de teto de supermercados em grande escala. Cada luz tem sua própria iluminação distinta

Luzes de vitrine de carne

Iluminação da vitrine de carne

Quarenta por cento dos clientes fazem julgamentos da carne com base na cor, de acordo com a enquete. Sem dúvida, esta pesquisa destaca como a aparência é crucial para aumentar as vendas. A importância da iluminação da vitrine do refrigerador neste contexto é óbvia, uma vez que é um componente essencial para melhorar o efeito de exibição dos itens. Este artigo discutirá o efeito das lâmpadas dos expositores na carne e como selecionar as lâmpadas para carne.

Luz de exibição refrigerada

Aplicação de luz de exibição de geladeira

A vitrine pode ser transformada em um local de cor e contraste, melhorando a experiência do cliente, colocando estrategicamente a iluminação adequada no espaço, incentivando-os a explorar e descobrir coisas de maneiras novas e fascinantes. O sistema de iluminação economizador de energia também é fundamental para alcançar o efeito de iluminação desejado. Afinal, a iluminação representa aproximadamente 25% do custo total de eletricidade incorrido pelas lojas de alimentos. Vamos ver como Ledison consegue isso.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

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