The power of LED lights we usually use for lighting is much greater than that of indicator lights. The life of LED lights depends its working temperature. Generally, the lifetime will be reduced by 1/2 for every increase of 10 graus.
So normally, to extend the life of LED lights, lowering the working temperature is the most important measure.
LED lamp heat dissipates through two parts, one is the heat dissipation capacity of the LED module itself, and the other is the heat dissipation capacity of the LED tube body.
Our company, Laidishine uses high-quality LED lamp beads, and adopts the integrated photoelectric technology of electrothermal separation, which has good heat dissipation effect.
Our LED tubes are made of plastic-clad aluminum material, which makes the tube stronger and also greatly improves the heat dissipation effect and greatly increases the service life of the LED lamp.
In addition to temperature, the driver of the LED light is also closely related to the life of the LED light. If the life of the driver is only 10,000 Nós responderemos dentro, the LED light will not light up even if it can be used for a longer time. So the quality of the driver is important, too. Além disso, unstable current will also affect the working time of the LED lamp, so a LED driver which provides stable electric current can improve the life of the LED lamp.
We select the driver with stable current and good quality to use in our LED lighting, so the customers can rest assured of it.