Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo
 Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

Why T8 LED tube is ideal for refrigerated light

Refrigerator lighting is crucial not just because it influences consumer decisions and, as a result, sales, but also because good lighting may help retailers save money. Retailers frequently struggle with the high cost of electricity and subsequent upkeep. To address a retailer's pain problem, I recommend T8 LED light. This article focuses on the advantages of T8LED.
the effect of refrigerated Ligting

Refrigerator lighting is crucial not just because it influences consumer decisions and, as a result, sales, but also because good lighting may help retailers save money. Retailers frequently struggle with the high cost of electricity and subsequent upkeep. The lighting impact, maintenance expenses, and use costs all influence the choice of refrigerated lamps; if these considerations are considered, retailers will benefit from the following elements.

·Cut expenses.
·Energy efficiency
·Increase turnover.
·Establish a positive brand image

To address a retailer’s pain problem, I recommend T8 LED light, which is very popular in the Asian market at the moment. If you’re unfamiliar with T8 LED lights or why they’re so effective, here’s what you should know:

T8 LED ligting
  1. T8 LED tubes are typically tubular, with the “T” representing the tube’s diameter and each “T” representing 1/8 polegada, resulting in a diameter of 1 polegada, or 25.4 milímetros.
T8 LED tube

2.T8 LED lights have photometric efficiency. A greater proportion of the energy consumed is transformed into visible light, while less is lost as heat. This enables it to use energy more efficiently when illuminating, resulting in much lower energy and electricity usage than typical lamps. Como resultado, in the pursuit of energy-efficient environmental protection, the T8 led light has become the industry’s chosen product.

3. Because the T8 led light contains neither mercury nor lead, it avoids the potential environmental pollution issues associated with standard fluorescent lamps. This makes it a more environmentally friendly lighting product, which is consistent with modern society’s green development trends.

4.The T8 led light produces brighter, more uniform lighting. This bright and homogeneous lighting inside the freezer allows the user to view the things placed in the freezer, which improves the user experience.

5.The T8 led light has an extended service life. It has a longer service life than other types of lamps, reducing the frequency of refrigerated display light replacement, lowering maintenance expenses, and reducing refrigerated downtime.

6.T8 led lights are also very stable and reliable. The utility model is not easily damaged by the moist atmosphere within the refrigerator and can operate at low temperatures , preserving the lighting effect and the refrigerator’s service life

The waterproof level, like the T8 J series of Laidishine, can be IP67, the back of the lamp is usually made of metal for good heat dissipation, and the front is made of a PC cover, which is extremely safe. From the original glass fluorescent lights to today’s most popular lamps, Laidishine has pushed the industry forward. When Laidishine’s T8 economic integration series was implemented, a market for a variety of counterfeit commodities arose one after the other.

Learn more:

T8 IP67

To recapitulate, T8 led lights have earned a lot of attention and love in the industry because of its high light efficiency, energy savings, long life, environmental friendliness, and other advantages. With the evolution of lighting technology and people’s growing concern about environmental preservation and energy saving, the future market for T8 led lights will become more diverse.

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional:

a estrutura de toda a bomba de espuma de acupressão é mais complexa e possui uma câmara de armazenamento de ar adicional

Aplicação de iluminação de display refrigerado do SPU VC 1

Devendo a conveniência da loja de geladeiras ser desligadas à noite?

Refrigeradores servem como o “Guardiões da frescura” em lojas de conveniência, supermercados, lojas de comida fresca, e outras configurações semelhantes. No entanto, O dilema entre os altos custos de eletricidade e a garantia da qualidade do produto sempre incomodou os operadores. Como superar o “Ansiedade de Powe-Off”? Realizamos análises detalhadas de vários cenários com o objetivo de propor estratégias ideais que não apenas economizam energia, mas também mantêm a qualidade refrigerada dos produtos.

Fatores para vendas de sorvete

Fatores que afetam a venda de sorvete

Muitos distribuidores e comerciantes usuários finais estão cientes de que o segredo para aderir às regulamentações de vendas e aumentar significativamente as vendas é a apresentação eficaz do estoque.. No entanto, a atenção dos clientes está mudando na situação atual do mercado. Criar uma experiência de compra única é especialmente crucial nesta luta sem pólvora para atrair e reter clientes. E como a lâmpada do freezer é o componente central desta configuração, seu significado é óbvio. Otimizando o ambiente de iluminação, particularmente design de iluminação de geladeira, surgiu como um novo campo de batalha para aumentar o apelo do produto e promover a transformação das vendas.

Status de desenvolvimento do sistema de distribuição da bomba de vácuo

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