Raf aydınlatması seçimi kılavuzu

When shelf lights are used properly, amazing visual effects and communication occur. Retailers take note: süpermarketler, convenience stores, and retail chains are now utilizing lighting design to boost sales. Here are some suggestions for selecting the ideal lighting design choose shelf light.
shelf led lighting

Retailers put a lot of work into the style of decoration as the retail market becomes more competitive. Diverse design elements, eye-catching, and what kind of store should stand out to attract customers? Since light is the primary factor in producing visual perception, light plays a significant role in determining the style of storefront spaces.

In addition to offering the store healthy lighting conditions, reasonable space lighting not only creates a distinctive mood, but also makes shopping more comfortable for customers, lengthens their stay, and ultimately boosts turnover. If you want the store to show more richer effect, the need for the whole shop LED lights for a reasonable layout. In general, there are two elements:
Basic lighting: It is the general illumination of the storefront area, creating a bright and comfortable environment for both employees and consumers. Use soft light and top lighting generally.

Essential lighting: To draw attention to the products, it should be focused on the display area. Frequently found in display cabinets or on shelves.

When shelf lights are used properly, amazing visual effects and communication occur.

Retailers take note: süpermarketler, convenience stores, and retail chains are now utilizing lighting design to boost sales. Here are some suggestions for selecting the ideal lighting design for your store:

 the effect shelve lighting

1. Recognize the features of the product

Before selecting a shelf light, you must first ascertain which features apply to your merchandise. varying products require varying color temperatures of light; the appropriate light can perfectly showcase the benefits and features of a product. For instance, a small green light on the fruit and vegetable shelves is the best option to bring attention to the color; a yellow light on the bread shelves can encourage customers to make a purchase; and a red light on the fresh meat shelves helps the meat appear brighter. Elbette, working with a professional lighting design business is the safest approach to ensure that you select the proper lighting choice.

The shelf lighting company I’m aware of is Laidishine, which develops, produces, and markets a range of commercial refrigerated display light, raf ışığı, and top lighting systems. It offers customers customized LED solutions and strives for high-quality products; some of its lights are reportedly able to last up to ten years.

Color temperature display for different food.

2.Economy of light

When purchasing shelf lights, late-stage power consumption is a concern that many people overlook. They think that high-power equipment like air conditioners and refrigerator lighting are the main sources of power consumption, but when there are a lot of lights on and long workdays, light power consumption also contributes significantly to costs. Böylece, low-voltage goods must be chosen for shelf lamp power.

3. Design of light

The primary purpose of a shelf lamp is to offer lighting, making it simple and quick to locate the items you need. The ideal option for shelf lights is one with a light body that is compact, concealable and doesn’t divert customers’ dikkat.

4. Make Use of Security

Choose fire and flame retardant lamps carefully since retail establishments require employees to work long shifts so that the light body temperatures may rise over time. If this happens, there may be a fire or other malfunction that puts staff members in danger of burns.

5. Simplify upkeep and installation

The lamp body must be disassembled for both lamp installation and maintenance, so pick a product that will be easiest to install so that subsequent maintenance will be much improved.

6. Unifying optical efficiency is necessary

It’s something I’ve witnessed numerous times when entering super supermarkets or retail establishments. The shopping experience is significantly impacted when many shelf lights are connected in series since the lights get progressively weaker as they move backward. Sonuç olarak, the unity of light impact must be guaranteed throughout the purchase.

Unifying optical efficiency of the shelf light

In conclusion, shelf lights are very important to the product because they not only improve the brand image and product display effect but also enhance the shopping experience and boost sales. Sonuç olarak, in the retail sector, thoughtful design and selection of shelf lighting are crucial since they can encourage new shop growth and success.


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