Brook Park To Phase-in LED Street Lighting

LED Aydınlatma-Haber Kapağı

Ürün arama

Our Laidishine LED lightings can last over 50,000 Öncesi. LED light can last up to 30 times longer than an incandescent light, because of this benefit, LED lights are used for streetlights by many cities.

Brook Park (ohio) will begin replacing the lamps in streetlights with LED lights after City Council unanimously approved an ordinance enabling the mayor to execute a service agreement with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company.

The city’s current legacy (high-pressure sodium) bulbs will be replaced as they fail at no cost.

There are roughly 1,900 streetlights in the city. the city had opted to replace all of them up front with LED lights, it would have cost approximately $460,000.


Laidishine Skills Training

Laidishine welding process training

Dün, we conducted LED light welding training for all the technical team and production partners, aiming to improve the skills of all staff and ensure

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