Buz Çözme Yöntemleri – Parça 3

If you haven’t so much time to thaw food in refrigerator, taking food out of the freezer and thawing in microwave is a not bad method.
Buzdolabı Aydınlatma-Blog Kapağı

If you haven’t so much time to thaw food in refrigerator, taking food out of the freezer and thawing in microwave is a not bad method.

When thawing food in a microwave, plan to cook it immediately after thawing because some areas of the food may become warm and begin to cook during the thawing process (bringing the food toDanger Zonetemperatures). Holding partially cooked food is not recommended because any bacteria present wouldn’t have been destroyed and, indeed, the food may have reached optimal temperatures for bacteria to grow.

And, it should be noted that it is not good to heat it for a long time at a time. If the food needs more than 3 minutes to be thawed, the heating time must be divided into multiple sections to avoid heating for at a time to make the food cooked.

After thawing in the microwave, always cook immediately after, whether microwave cooking, by conventional oven, or grilling.

Using metal trays to thaw is another method. Although this method of thawing is unpopular, it is a very effective method.

Put the meat on a metal plate, and with the high thermal conductivity of the metal, it can be heated and defrosted more quickly. If the meat can be sandwiched between two metal plates, it will be more efficient and maintain its freshness.

Fakat, meat with different thickness or thickness may cause uneven thawing due to different contact areas, so it is suitable for use on foods with uniform thickness.


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