Electricity Usage and Power Consumption of LED Lights (1)

Let’s talk about how much energy LED lights really consume and how much electricity costs we can save with LED technology.
LED lighting Application-News Cover

LED lights are known to be very economical, but what is the real power consumption? Is it worth replacing old light sources with LEDs?

Let’s talk about how much energy LED lights really consume and how much electricity costs we can save with LED technology.

In commercials for LED lights, great savings in power consumption are often promoted. In theory the energy consumption of LED luminaires and light bulbs is much lower than with conventional lamps. However, actual power consumption and savings depend on several factors, such as brightness, efficiency.

The brightness of LED lamps is no longer indicated in watts, but in lumens. However, the energy consumption still results from actual power draw in watts. If an LED light is specified as 5 watts, this is the power consumption when switched on. But the wattage says nothing about the power consumption. The real consumption is calculated by multiplying the power consumption with the real burn time of the lamp.


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