Refrigerated multidecks cabinet

Fresh meat multidecks are ideal for supermarkets as they offer lower temperatures for this kind of product.
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Refrigerated multidecks cabinet is a kind of commercial refrigerator. Refrigerated multidecks are the ideal display option for retail businesses such as shops, supermarket, convenience stores, take aways and eateries where self-service plays a large part. Multi deck fridges are available for a wide range of uses including a chilled multideck for general purpose, which is ideal for storing sandwiches, cooked meat, cold drinks, fruits and more. Fresh meat multidecks are ideal for supermarkets as they offer lower temperatures for this kind of product.

In the refrigerated multidecks cabinet, illumination is necessary, and LED lighting is the best choice. We offer LBF, SNK-S, SPU, T8 etc. Series lightings which are suitable and can be easily installed in refrigerated multidecks cabinet. Welcome to inquiry more about products informations.


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