According to TrendForce’s latest “2021 Global LED Lighting Market Report-Lighting-Level Packaging and Lighting Product Trends (2H21)” report, China’s LED lighting market is expected to grow by 8.9% to US$5.75 billion in 2021, which is mainly benefited from various Chinese government Support policies and investment dividends in infrastructure construction. The recent “14th Five-Year Plan” issued by the Chinese government mentioned the need to improve the promotion mechanism of high-efficiency lighting products, which will further increase the penetration rate of LED lighting in the Chinese market. It is expected to reach 75% in 2021. The trend of intelligent systemization is developing.
Our company is a member of the LED industry. We are professional manufacturer of LED lights which are for cooled foods and shelf. Our business has export sales, and also has domestic sales in China. Customers are mainly refrigerator manufacturers, siêu thị, and snack chain stores. We look forward to growing with the LED industry in China.